To get the maximum out of Zeev, you need to use it the right way. We are sure that you will save both time and money if you use it the right way. That too, a significant time in excess of 24 hrs. a month and a savings of up to 20% on your grocery bills.
Let me give you some tips and tricks.
Ensure you have invited your family members to the app using the invite family member. The shopping list is shared across everyone in your family list. So whenever someone is in store, they know what all has to be bought, and they don't forget anything.
Whenever you see an offer or voucher of interest, add to the shopping list .
When you run out of items at home, add them to the list.
And when you are about to go shopping or if you spouse is at store, you can quickly review the shopping list and replace items. The shopping list shows you the price and offers running on that item and similar items. It also shows you if you have a voucher on a related item.
Finally, if you want to get it home delivered, select the store and request home delivery.
Sometimes, you may not want a home delivery as you want to hand pickup items (fruits and fish). Here you can use the Pick at store option to save time. You can place a pick at store order for the rest of the items, so that they can keep them ready. Then buy fish and fruits separately and pick the packed items along.
Additionally, we try to promote local brands. There are some really good local brands, if possible do support us in promoting them. Let us give preference to Local manufacturers over multi nationals.